Android »Better Terminal Emulator Pro v4.04 (4.04) Android Apk App

Better Terminal Emulator Pro v4.04

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Android 1.6+

Overview: Harness the native Linux command-line potential of Android with this Terminal.


Unleash the command line potential of the Android console with this terminal. Best if rooted, but root not required. Run native Linux apps with Better Terminal Emulator Pro. Excellent soft keyboard and Sywpe support, send all VT-220 character codes including F1-F20. Includes SSH/Telnet client, BusyBox, BASH Shell.

Now supports Tegra2-based tablets such as the Viewsonic gTablet and the Motorola Xoom!

Works great with the Motorola Bluetooth Keyboard for Xoom. I am working on better Honeycomb support for the tablet form factor as well as HDMI out on the Xoom.

What’s in this version:


* Fix crash on some newer Android devices.

* Add support for MIPS CPU.


* Single launcher icon, you can configure BTEP to start up in the local shell or SSH Client in Preferences.

* Support for multiple sessions.

* Fix bug with SuperUser Whitelist.

* Fix shortcut creation problem.

* Add FTP Client

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