Android »DicePlayer v2.0.11 (2.0.11) Android Apk App

DicePlayer v2.0.11

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Android 2.2+

Overview: HW Accelerated Video Player with Playback speed control and Network support


Diceplayer uses HW video decoder at various containers and audio codecs combination. Diceplayer drains less bettery than SW based players.




Playback speed control

- up to x1.8

- audio pitch correction support

Subtitle format


- MKV embedded subtitle supported

- Unicode/Multibyte charset supported.




- HTTP Live Streaming

Supported devices

* Tegra3 based ICS devices(Transformer Prime/HTC One X)

* Tegra2 based Honeycomb tables

* Samsung Galaxy S2/Note

* Samsung Galaxy S and variants

* Samsung Galaxy Tab(7′)

* Samsung Galaxy Player (YP-GB1)

* HTC Nexus One,Desire and QSD8250 based devices => may need patch.

* HTC Sensation,Evo 4G+.Evo 3D

* HTC Desire HD,ThunderBolt

* Toshiba TG-03 and many Japaneses vendors’ QSD8250 based devices => May need patch.

* Dell Streak,Venue => May need patch.

* SonyErricson Xperia Arc,Acro

* Motolora Defy : Gingerbread required.

* LG Optimus 2x,Moto Atrix,Droid Bionic,Photon 4G : Gingerbread required


* Video capability depends on your devices HW video decodes’ capability.

* Some devices(Moto Defy, Galaxy S/Tab) need gingerbread update.

* Tegra2 based devices : H.264 High@3.1 ( no weighted prediction )

What’s in this version:

1. Popup player

- Seek on popup player

- Fix the problem of popup button through exteral app

2. Support seek for TS (MTS, M2TS, TP)

- Be able to seek for the TS files

3. Add audio setting

- Be able to control the audio sync

4. Change the UI Look & Feel of Playback

5. For Galaxy S3 (Galaxy Note 10.1)

- Support JellyBean

- Fix the issue of broken bottom image as videos

6. Add Spanish language

7. Minor bug fixes

More Info:



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